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What you should know
What Are the Available Hair Removal Treatments?
Painless Laser Hair Removal (30 mins)
This advanced treatment is well beyond the standard Laser Hair Removal that snaps and stings. This top-of-class device from Italy provides a quick & painless experience on even the most delicate of areas.
Facial Hair Removal (30 mins)
So precise and delicate, even facial or neck hair can be permanently removed, painlessly.
What Are the Benefits of MO MedSpa’s Hair Removal?
The Motus AX provides fast, effective and painless laser hair reduction for all skin types (I – VI). Even if another MedSpa told you that you were not a candidate for laser hair removal, our advanced device may help. These treatments are fast and painless. Patients experience results with fewer sessions. Individual results may vary.
How Does It Work?
The Moveo “In Motion” method consists of repeated passes on small areas, inducing a gradual heating of the vital parts of the hair and leading to their destruction in a way that is totally painless for the patient and without side effects.
Who is a Good Candidate?
The Motus AX provides fast, effective and painless laser hair removal for all skin types (I – VI).
This device is effective for people with darker skin, or lighter hair, who were not able to be treated with other laser hair removal devices. This advanced laser device makes it possible for patients of all skin and body types to enjoy the benefits of long lasting, pain-free hair removal with fewer sessions.
What Can I Expect?
You can expect a virtually painless experience. Your practitioner will glide the hair removal device across your skin, enabling the light energy to penetrate to your hair follicles. A built-in chilling system ensures a comfortable and pain-free treatment. While there is no downtime, some may experience mild redness, but this should resolve within a day or two.
You will see a gradual decrease in the quantity and density of hair in the treatment areas. Due to the varying cycles of each individual’s hair growth and hormonal changes, 5-7 sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results. After most of the hair is successfully removed, maintenance sessions are recommended every 6-12 months.
How to Prepare?
Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Care Instructions
Pre-Treatment Care
Shave area of treatment the night before treatment.
Avoid prolonged sun tanning or excessive tanned skin.
Post-Treatment Care
Avoid using hot water on the treated area for 24 hours.
Avoid playing sports, hot saunas, hot yoga, hot cars, extreme workouts, swimming or Jacuzzis for 48 hours.
Do not rub the treated area (especially if scabs have formed which must never be removed).
No exfoliants for one week post treatment.
After the laser treatment it is recommended to moisturize and hydrate the skin by applying a soothing product.
Apply a high-protective sunscreen SPF40 to the area for 4 weeks after treatment Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or sunlamp.
No tanning / direct and prolonged sun exposure to the treated area for at least 2 weeks post-treatment.
Okay to shave in between laser hair removal treatments, but NO epilation treatments such as waxing, tweezers, electric epilator. NO bleaching hair in between treatments.
Apply EltaMD Laser Enzyme Gel for irritation or redness.
Possible side effects
These are the most common side effects that patients usually experience after undergoing the treatment:
Redness and warmth to the treated areas
Paroxysmal hair growth (uneven hair pattern)
Possible side effects

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