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What you should know
What Are the Benefits of the Organic Bamboo Laser Facial?
Our exclusive Organic Bamboo Facial utilizes top-of-the-line technology integrated with our state-of-the-art laser machine to deliver safe, effective results. An organic cream-assisted laser facial is performed to reduce acne, control oil, even skin tone.
How Does It Work?
Our signature Organic Bamboo Facial is a three-step process starting with an organic bamboo charcoal mask applied directly to the skin. Heat and energy are then applied to the mask, opening pores and adhering the dirt, debris and impurities from your skin onto the mask. A laser is then used to peel the mask along with the impurities from the skin. Lastly, a gentle laser facial is performed closing pores and leaving the skin tight and glowing. Your complexion is refreshed.
Who is a Good Candidate?
Recommended for those looking to combat the first signs of aging including premature wrinkles and oily skin. Designed to treat a wide variety of skin problems, types and tones, a complete skin detox and instantly radiant skin is quickly achieved without downtime.
What Can I Expect?
The Bamboo Laser Facial starts with the Medical Practitioner determining your skin’s needs. Members have described the treatment as warm, cleaning and “laser-zappy”. The results are immediately visible. With no downtime, you may immediately return to your activities feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
How to Prepare?
Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Care Instructions
Pre-Treatment Care
Come in with a clean face.
Avoid prolonged sun tanning or excessive tanned skin.
Stop all skin care products with retinol/tretinoin for one week prior to treatment.
Post-Treatment Care
Keep the treatment area clean. Avoid touching your face.
Avoid letting your hair touch your face. Tie your hair up during sleep (for long hair).
Avoid pet kisses.
Use clean pillowcases and towels.
Do not pick at, scratch, peel or rub the treated area. Do not remove any scabs from the treated area.
Avoid saunas, hot yoga, hot cars, or extreme workouts for 48 hours post treatment.
No direct and/or prolonged sun exposure for at least 2 weeks
Use sunscreen with SPF40+. Please apply sunscreen starting the following day post treatment.
Wear sun protective clothes, hat and sunglasses for at least 2 weeks
Consider using Elta MD Laser Enzyme Gel to the treated area to promote skin recovery and keep skin cool/soft.
Okay to apply ice/cool compresses to the treated area if needed for comfort. Be sure to protect skin with soft/clean cloth when applying ice to prevent skin/soft tissue injury.
Resume normal skin care including makeup and skin products the following day post treatment.
Avoid chemical or physical exfoliant and all retinoid/tretinoin products for at least one week post treatment.
Avoid shaving the treated area post-treatment for at least 3-5 days or until your skin is healed without redness, peeling or irritation
Stay hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters or 64 oz of water post treatment and the day after.
Avoid taking any blood thinning products such as aspirin or NSAIDs (ibuprofen) for at least 1 week post treatment.
Please contact us immediately if you experience any adverse effects post treatment such as fever/chills, facial redness, swelling, pain or discharge.
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